Thursday, September 24, 2009

Recipe: Summer Squash Cassarole

I know that some of you have gardens, and I know what it is like to have wayyyyyyy to many squash lying around! So here is a recipe that can help you use up these extras!

6 cups peeled, cubed, and seeded fresh squash
2 eggs, beaten
2 1/2 cups cheddar or mozzarella cheese
1 small fresh onion
1 tablespoon fresh garlic
salt and pepper

Mix all ingredients together, then bake for 40-45 minutes in a 350 degree oven.


  1. Mmmm, this looks like it would make a very nice side dish.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Tara and Kathryn!

    Kathryn: Yes, this makes a very nice side dish!

    Tara: Yes it is yummy! :)


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